- “I support this plan, which may unite everybody, enhance our connection, strengthen friendship and cooperation. ” Professor Zhihong Xu (Academician, CAS)
- “I will contribute my efforts. ” Professor Jiayang Li (Academician, CAS)
- “An excellent idea!” Professor Yongbiao Xue (Director of Institute of Genetics and Developent, CAS)
- “衷心祝愿CCJC成为中英科学家联系交流的纽带,研究创新的平台! ” --黄大昉(原中国农科院生物技术研究所所长)
- “非常支持成立CCJC的建议,愿她成为中英生命科学友好合作的桥梁” --曹晓风(中科院遗传所研究员,The Plant Cell 中方编委)
- “好主意,要大力支持!” --瞿礼嘉(北京大学蛋白质工程及植物基因工程国家重点实验室 副主任)
- “祝愿CCJC中外科学家团体,齐心协力,共同为科学作出卓越的贡献。” --舒惠国(原人事部副部长)
- “It is great to have such a website and I look forward to seeing it. I am really interested to read the exciting stories which will give me inspirations for returning China too.” Yiguo Hong (Honorary Professor, University of Warwick)
- “Looking forward to the JIC 2nd getting together party.” Fasong Zhou
- “Creation is fun, recreation is more fun, wish ccjc more creative! ” --CCJC Alumni
- "If every body contributes little bite, thing could be big different. Hope we can do something." Huanting Liu
- "Let all who love science, not for living, feel helpful and powerful under this big umbrella" --CCJC Alumni
- "Wish CCJC all the best for the coming year." Peter M. Gresshoff (Director of Integrative Legume Research, Australia)
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